Evoking Emotion…Drawing Us Near

27100-800Standing in the church, the panels from right to left, depict the Birth of Jesus, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles.

Each of the five panels contains blue representing the waters of the baptism.  In each panel the entire Paschal Mystery is present.  The symbols of darkness and light also are present in each of the panels, with light becoming increasingly bright in the resurrection panels.

The Birth of Christ
Christ dwells among us shows Jesus, Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, “house of bread.”  God became a child who became bread for the world.  The Christ child is bound in bands of cloth and is encircled by his parents; arms.  Binding ensures that he will grow straight and tall symbolizing that he is to be King.  Mary and Joseph’s arm across his body form a cross, his destiny.  Dark to light colors represent Christ the light who overcomes the darkness of death.

A Triptych
The center three windows form a triptych representing the church’s celebration of the Easter mysteries as one day.
Holy Thursday: God becomes cool water to wash the feet of the disciples.  Then he is the warm towel to dry their feet as a sign of welcome, hospitality and service.  Jesus becomes bread and drink to feed his flock.  The breaking of bread is a sign of the breaking of his body and his presence in the community of believers.  “Jesus’ words and action make God accessible and visible,” said Sr. Theresa…
Good Friday: The center panel depicts Jesus beginning his walk through the valley of death on Good Friday.  The cross is draped in red and purple representing the blood of Christ poured out for us.  His blood becomes a veil washing away our sins.  The blood of Christ opens the promise of our baptism into new life.
Resurrection Sunday: The central figure in this panel is transparent and represents the risen Lord.  The light of Christ shines forth to the disciples who gather around him.  The disciples, standing in the baptismal waters and facing Christ, “see” Christ’s glory.  Those who “see” follow Jesus to become his flesh and blood in the world.

Pentecost: The Birth of the Church
27011-800The resurrection light continues into the Pentecost panel, as the disciples, filled with the light of Christ, turn to serve the world.  Enlightened by the Spirit of God, the Church is born.  The Church will do as Jesus did, bringing light to the world and bringing the gifts of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.

The symbol of fire rises from the midst of the gathered community, circling up to meet the Dove.  At the top of the fire there is a hand holding a loaf of bread, symbolizing the community’s feeding of the poor.  The figure of the woman caring for her child recalls the nativity, symbolizing Mary as the mother of the Church.  The end of the image of the communion of saints is represented by the ascending figures.
